This is not a joke
We see a lot of wild and wacky things come across the pages of Value is in the eye of the seller and sometimes we wonder if certain ads are for real or not! Check out our collection of random, exotic and hilarious items that at first glance may seem like a joke, but are certainly up for debate.
Used staples
The first question this begs is why? Why gather used staples for “many months”? Why buy used staples? But, then again, $20 could be a steal for this item, so why not?!
1/4 bottle of nail polish remover
This one is somewhat baffling and makes us wonder: why is it no longer needed? Did the seller lose their fingernails and toenails? There is nothing better than getting something for free, however, we are interested in seeing who the taker of this item will be – it’s still available on if you are interested!
Dude…we found your car!!
Pretty sure this is the closest thing the internet has to a citizen’s arrest! One of our favourite ads that went viral.
Half eaten sandwich
This ad has been a fan favourite at for awhile now. Amazingly this half eaten sandwich was purchased. making dreams come true since 2003.
Time travel partner needed
This was another quite popular post from No word on whether the time travellers found each other or if they made it to the future or not. Time will tell…
I have invented a time machine that works quite well. Im looking for someone to come with me that has experience with alien technology and weapons. I am looking to travel into the future just a few years to prevent an alien invasion in which earth is ruled by aliens. Serious inquiries only please.
Have you come across any funny or strange ads on Let us know in the comments below and Happy April Fool’s Day!