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Tea cup bird feedersSeeds for Bird Feeder

Living on the West Coast has its advantages. For example it’s spring here while I know the majority of Canadians are still suffering winter’s […]

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Soap stars: castileSoap stars: castile

I’ve had a little theme of late with natural cleaning products. As I’ve mentioned before, there’s a reason my house smells like fish and […]

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Homemade laundry detergentHomemade Laundry Detergent Ingredients

Fellow UsedEverywhere blogger Amber recently shared some of her top tips for cleaning your home without toxic chemicals. The natural cleaning methods she recommends […]

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A triad of DIY word picturesA triad of DIY word pictures

They used to be called Positive Affirmations and contained nouns with motivational descriptions under them. Oh, and a pretty scenic photo to complete the […]

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