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DIY pom pom bouquet

pom pom bouquet

Pom poms are a quick and fun project – started and finished in an afternoon. So why not take them to the next level and create a fun pom pom bouquet?

There are many ways to create a pom pom and there isn’t a best way, just a way you prefer. Here are three easy pom pom tutorials to get you started. There’s the fork method, the hoop method, and the hand method.

For this bouquet I used a fork.

fork pom poms

For pom poms you need bits of yarn, which you wrap around an object (in this case a fork), fasten in the centre, then cut the loops and fluff. If secured in the middle, the short strings should stay in place. This is where I always go wrong so I make sure to have lots of yarn on hand for the event of yarn explosion.

Once the pom poms are created the next step is to insert craft wire into the yarn. Since the centre of the pom pom is thick the wire should stay put.

pom pom flowers

Once you have enough flowers then the next step is to gather them in a bunch and arrange them in a vase. This pom pom vase is quick, simple, and fun. Why not give it a try?

pom pom bouquet collage

Working full time as a writer, editor and audio broadcast producer should be enough. But instead of resting after a long work day Robyn sets to creating havoc in her space by attempting more DIY, upcycle and knitting projects than she has room for. Her husband is a patient man.

One Response to “DIY pom pom bouquet”


This is such a great project. This makes so much more sense than traditional flowers! Love it.


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