HarbourCats Fans! Let’s “Paint The Park Purple”
Summer always reminds me of my childhood; I smell fresh cut grass and hotdogs grilling on a BBQ and suddenly my mind is transported to the ballpark, eating greasy concession food, basking in the sunshine and watching two ball teams battle for the win. That’s why I am very excited for this Sunday, July 28th as UsedVictoria.com will “Paint the Park Purple” at the Victoria HarbourCats‘ game, our newest local baseball team! Trust me; this will definitely be a game you don’t want to miss. Why, you ask?

Just some of the great baseball action you’ll see this Sunday!
Well, of course there will be yummy food and amazing baseball action as always, but we’ll also be hosting super fun games throughout the day where you’ll have a chance to win some fabulous prizes.
To start, we’re going to pay for parking for the first three families/groups that arrive with three or more people in their vehicle and are wearing purple (look for our UsedTeam near the parking meter). Then, if you’re good at catching you may be able to pick up a coveted purple UsedVictoria.com t-shirt during the t-shirt sling-shot event. And for those of you who love game shows, we will be showcasing the first ever UsedVictoria.com “Price is Right” game where you can win a baseball item off our site by guessing the advertised price…without going over of course. And make sure to pick up a numbered flyer when you enter the park from one of our staff wearing purple as we will be having a grand prize draw at the end of the game. Our gran prizes include a round of gold for four with golf cart from Arbutus Ridge Golf Course valued at $300 or a custom pair of shoes from Rock Bay Footwear valued at over $300. Not too shabby for a Sunday afternoon outing, eh? Pardon the baseball pun.

Make sure to get your picture taken with Harvey at the game!
Make sure to swing by the UsedVictoria.com booth before, during or after the game. We’re giving out cool purple swag, purple balloons, purple gumballs, purple tattoos (have you guess our theme yet?) and you’ll have a chance to win gift certificates courtesy of The Village Royal Oak Cafe, passes to the new Robert Bateman Centre or tickets to the New Orford String Quartet from the Victoria Conservatory of Music. As well, we will have a donation jar set up at our booth supporting Arnold Lim who is riding in this year’s Tour de Rock as the media rider for Black Press. For more information on Arnold and how to donate, please click here.
Hopefully my purple powers of persuasion have worked and we’ll see you out at Royal Athletic Park this Sunday supporting our amazing local baseball team as that’s really what it’s all about! Feel free to wear your favourite purple clothing to help us “Paint the Park Purple.” For more information about the game and to receive 5% off tickets, click here. Go HarbourCats Go!