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How To: Find Seller Information

Need Help finding Seller Information, Sharing a Listing, or Reporting an Ad?

1) Seller Information

Check out the pictures below, seller information is circled in red. Alternatively, you can watch our video tutorial to see the step-by-step process of browsing items in the site redesign and contacting a seller on your local

In the new design you no longer need to scroll to the bottom of every listing but can find the information at the top of the listing in the right corner. Check out the video below!

2) Sharing and Reporting an Ad
The “Share Listing” box in red contains links that allow you to share the ad with friends via email, Facebook, or Twitter. You can also inform our moderators of an ad that violates our Terms of Use by clicking on the “Report ad” link.
Thanks, we hope this helps answer some of our recent questions, and keep the feedback coming.The Used Everywhere Community Team.

As the social media and community coordinator at, Michael is the voice you hear when you phone our 1-800 number and the text you read skim three days a week on our blog. Keep up with his antics on Twitter @MrConkin.

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