How To: UsedRants
Yesterday I announcedour plan to launch UsedRants, a telephone hotline that you can phone and rant to about absolutely anything (even us!). Today, I’m going to tell you how to use it:
Step 1) Grab the nearest telephone, whether it’s on your wall or in your pocket.
Step 2) Dial 1-888-480-3250 (toll free, of course).
Step 3) Either wait for the gentleman’s voice to tell you what to do, or go ahead and press 6 on your number pad.
Step 4) RANT! We want to hear your complaints, your concerns, your praise, and your problems. Give us advice, promote yourself, tell us why you’re liberal/conservative or why you love the environment. The possibilities are endless!
Do keep in mind though, we’re here to spread the word and give you a platform to speak on, so whatever you say on the UsedRants may be posted on the internet for all to hear!