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How To: UsedRants

Yesterday I announcedour plan to launch UsedRants, a telephone hotline that you can phone and rant to about absolutely anything (even us!). Today, I’m going to tell you how to use it:

Step 1) Grab the nearest telephone, whether it’s on your wall or in your pocket.
Step 2) Dial 1-888-480-3250 (toll free, of course).
Step 3) Either wait for the gentleman’s voice to tell you what to do, or go ahead and press 6 on your number pad.
Step 4) RANT! We want to hear your complaints, your concerns, your praise, and your problems. Give us advice, promote yourself, tell us why you’re liberal/conservative or why you love the environment. The possibilities are endless!
Do keep in mind though, we’re here to spread the word and give you a platform to speak on, so whatever you say on the UsedRants may be posted on the internet for all to hear!

As the social media and community coordinator at, Michael is the voice you hear when you phone our 1-800 number and the text you read skim three days a week on our blog. Keep up with his antics on Twitter @MrConkin.

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