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How to: vote for your favorite video

Have you voted for your favorite Garagellennium user video yet? Voting will close at noon on July 26th, so get your votes in as soon as you can!

Step 1) Go to our Facebook Page and if you haven’t already, click on the “Like” button. This is required to vote for your favorite video.

Step 2) Then, click on the “Speaker’s Corner” Tab at the top of the page.

Step 3) Scroll down and click on the video you would like to watch.

Step 4) Click on the “Like” button below a video (circled in red below) to vote for it.

Step 5) Good luck contestants! We’ll be announcing the winner of the iPod Touch on Monday, July 26th!

As the social media and community coordinator at, Michael is the voice you hear when you phone our 1-800 number and the text you read skim three days a week on our blog. Keep up with his antics on Twitter @MrConkin.

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