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The January Re-Cap

Eden and I have officially been working at for a little over a month now, but through the volume of topics we’ve discussed and the number of ideas passed around through our Facebook Page, Blog, and Twitterfeed, I’m sure she would agree with me that it feels as though it has been much longer! So while it is already almost the middle of February, making this post a little late, it is still helpful to sum up the best and the worst of the conversations we’ve been having so far this year.


The best from our Facebook page this month was you guys helping me buy a new laptop (not biased at all).

I’m just kidding. The best was obviously the news that we now have an iPhone app! It’s important for you guys to keep this conversation going, too! Your feedback and suggestions for improvement are always welcome, much needed, and hugely appreciated!

The Facebook Fail of the month is, of course, my bored but incredibly optimistic attempt to start up a game with our Facebook amigos:


Twitter is always so scattered and random, it’s not as easy to track down a conversation. The big news on Twitter was the same as on Facebook – our new iPhone app. I feed off of your excitement since I am a lowly Android user.

But I was rather excited when Instructables responded to my apt observations on chocolate-covered squid:


The best of the blog last month? Duh! The announcement of the Free Tab!

“And what was the lamest blog post?”, you ask? That’s easy! None of them. All of our blog posts are amazing – it’s the best internet reading in the English language. You should probably start making it a part of your daily routine if you haven’t already. You’re welcome.

is a Social Media and Community Coordinator at Twitter, Facebook, the Blog and the phone are her domains.

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