The Village Restaurant: Local Supporting Local
Have you ever walked in a restaurant and suddenly felt right at home? Well, I experienced this Zen-like state a few weeks ago as I walked through the doors of a new place in my neighbourhood called The Village. Something about the space put me right at ease and my experience continued to grow as I sat down and started reading through the menu. My Dad had told me that they specialized in breakfast food which is what lured me there in the first place…I kind of have a love for Eggs Bennie (sssssh, don’t tell my husband!).
Low and behold, my father was right! There were tons of breakfast choices but what seemed apparent was that they weren’t your typical breakfast fare. Sure, they had the simple breakfast foods like eggs, toast etc., but what really caught my eye was something called “Shakshouka.” Side note: I looooove saying that word! Shakshouka, Shakshouka, Shakshouka! Ahem…um, sorry about that!
The description talked about tomatoes, onions, garlic, veggies and a poached egg but I still could not figure out what it was. I asked our waiter and he explained it perfectly, “It’s a Middle Eastern bowl of goodness that’s super healthy and will sustain you for seven hours.” Seven hours? Sold! With a two-year-old who keeps stealing my food each day, I’m lucky to get a bite of food that will sustain me for seven minutes! I ordered it and was surprised that it’s more like a stew where you mix all the yummy ingredients together. And all I can say about the taste is…WOW! You literally CAN’T stop eating it…looks like I now have a new love (sorry Bennie!).

Every taste bud in my mouth said “Finish this” but my tummy won the argument and I was forced to stop eating. Tragic!
Another thing that jumped out at me was that their menu boasted how they strive to support local businesses at every turn which is something we feel strongly about at Based on this and my amazing experience, I decided to contact the owners and literally invite myself for coffee in order to sit down and chat about the values behind “The Village.”

The Village Chiefs: Brian, Jason and Barry
What is the meaning behind the name “The Village”?
If I had to sum it up in one word I would say Village means community. We have now taken the literal meaning of the word and try to embody that in your overall Village experience whether your are a patron (Villager), employee (Village Person) or local business we work with. The Village is a place that represents the food/social needs and products of the community it is in.
It’s obvious that the menu boasts your commitment to buying local. Are there other ways the restaurant has reached out to the local community?
Our commitment to work locally goes way beyond our food products. Virtually every facet of our business network is serviced by a local, small business. From our sustainable glass counter tops to our composting company, our network or Village is composed primarily of small business owners just like us that work within the same community such as Red Barn, Organico, Portifino Bakery, Phillips Brewery and Meade Design Group to name a few. We also feature locals artist, musicians and photographers and make consistent weekly donations to local charities and causes within the community.
We keep it local not for the brand but because it is what is natural. We prefer to deal with businesses that share the same backyard, common goals and philosophies and you just aren’t going to get that abroad or with major corporations. We are all about the little guy because that is who we are!
You mentioned The Village participates in an active composting program where less than 2 per cent of the all waste ends up in the landfill. Amazing! How the heck do you do this?
Pretty simple, we don’t bring in any products that are not compostable from straws to coffee cups. The only garbage that comes in to The Village are packing materials from boxes that typically come from major corporations (surprise surprise). In all reality most restaurants even if they were to use plastic straws, etc. still only probably produce 20per cent un-compostable or un-recyclable product. They just don’t bother separating and throw everything in the same garbage.
Anything else we should know?
Not really! I think we pretty much have it covered.
If you live in Victoria, make sure to check out this amazing restaurant that’s lovin’ all things local! Do you have a favourite restaurant in your city, town or area that makes you feel at home and supports your community by buying local? Give them a shout out below and spread some local love!
frank butcherl
Stupid commercial.
Judy Russell
A great blog, and, I have to agree, a very good restaurant.
frank butcherl
Why is my comment awaiting approval? This blog reads like a commercial. Read it for yourself; mine is a fair comment.
Hi Frank, we weren’t blocking you, just haven’t had time to approval all the comments waiting. I think our blogger saw the similarities between this restaurant’s commitment to being local and UsedEverywhere’s hyperlocal focus. If you have some helpful suggestions for our blog, we’re happy to hear them.