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Ad Upgrades Guide

Boost it to the beginning

Rocket your ad back to the top of the ad listings with an Ad Booster Upgrade and receive up to 4x as many clicks. Your ad will appear in a bright teal box to stand out.
Did you know?
Ads get the most traffic in the first three days of being posted.

Stay on top

With the Top Ad Upgrade, your ad will get 5x more clicks by having it at the top of its' category.
Choose to upgrade for 5, 10, 15, or 30 days
Stay at the top of the category
Highlighted in teal

The latest greatest thing

With thousands of visitors each month, you can get 7x more clicks with the Latest Ad Gallery Upgrade.
Our most browsable category
Ads display in order of upgrade date
Get your ad in a second category

All eyes on you

A category of its own! The Homepage Premium Upgrade features your ad in one of four exclusive slots on the home page of each city sites!
Upgrade last for a week
Have your ad in two places at once
Buyers see your ad as soon as they open the site, regardless of which category they search

Get it in writing

Get a Print Ad Upgrade and have your ad published in 5 local newspapers to broaden your audience!
Make your ad newsworthy
Reach buyers on and offline

Special feature

With only one Featured Ad Upgrade per category, appearing above all other ads, including the Tops ads, this is our most elite upgrade!
Seen by buyers in the relevant category
Anchored at the top and highlighted in red
Ideal for marketing your business

Create a new ad

You can ad these features as you create your new ad!

Upgrade my current ads

Boost your sales using upgrades. Add them to current ads by clicking the "upgrade" in "edit".